How to Know If All Izz Well?

Why do you need a feedback system?

● Do you tell your team where it is going wrong?
● Does your senior member know he/she will not get promoted for
another year?
● Are you able to pass the same vision to your team members?
● Ever wondered why a particular member is not able to learn as fast
as others?

If the answer to any of the above questions is NO, read this chapter twice.

We had a vision – to deliver a 7-star experience to the client. For that, it was very important to be aligned towards this common goal. But it’s obvious that not everyone will give the same results.

There came an offset between the mentor and the team. It was not worked upon and later it resulted in expectation mismatch. So, before the team started falling like dominos, we introduced a feedback system.

Dispelling Misconceptions for Better Outcomes…

● Monthly feedbacks

We set a few work-specific parameters and started evaluating every team member on those. The percentages reflected monthly performance and progress w.r.t. last month. The detailed feedback helped an individual to understand what was not going in the right direction and where to work upon more.

But this system had its own challenges.

– We got so invested in highlighting the errors (improvement pointers as we called it), that we forgot to mark the good points as well. The team started dreading feedback, worrying about how their performance will be perceived by others, they started becoming
vulnerable to criticism.
– Every mentor had their own perspective of judging the performance. As a consequence, two analysts with the same job role were being evaluated on different parameters, or were being evaluated on the same parameters differently.

Quantifying Feedbacks

Once we got to know the shortcomings, the percentage system seemed obsolete. We introduced a new system – Feedback Rating System.

The ratings range from 1 to 5, with common definition, i.e.

To make this system work, we made few tweaks:

-Introduction of Quarterly feedback, but with monthly one-on-one discussions. This gave a fair chance to team members to work on their weaknesses in the same evaluation time frame (in a quarter). This helped the team members to improvise in the same quarter
itself so that their quarterly rating comes out to be good.
-Addition of positive pointers and appreciations in the feedback
-Streamlining the same parameters across different teams to maintain standardization


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