Keep the Knife Sharp!

Do you also think training is not needed, OR
Do you also wish to get candidates already trained? OR
Do you also think you will train people as they work on projects? Why bother with a training program?
Do you also think you can outsource this?
Well, are you ready to hear what we have to say here?

The Untold Secrets They Never Shared – Until Now!

3.1 Training should be like a magic wand. You swivel it, and in a fraction of a second, the person starts producing high quality output!

What if I tell you training does not require longer time and the magic can happen?

Well, generally an employee undergoes a structured learning process to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for their role.

This involves orientation programmes, on-boarding, job-specific training, etc.

This requires a dedicated training team having experienced members and their precious time. In some companies this process even takes 6 months.

But remember, we were a start-up. We did not have time and resources to train the people, fresher as well as experienced employees.

Here is how we trained people –

Personal mentoring from day 1
At first, we would assign personal mentors to the new hires after orientation and on-boarding which used to be completed within a week.

Basically, as soon as people join, they used to get associated with mentors, working on a live project from day 1. Each mentor would teach the required skills.

Common training module

The previous model had a few flaws we wanted to improve. Each mentor cannot teach all the things. At times, mentees used to be devoid of one of the other essential skills because the mentor went on leave and it never came into discussion again.

On top of that, a common rating system couldn’t be implemented. To sort this, we planned to build a dedicated training team that conducts a 6 week program. We designed the complete program with all the minute details precisely captured. If the trainer wants to know what needs to be taught on the 4th day, at 4:30 pm, you will find that detail in the program schedule prepared.

This was an overhead for the company, but in the long run, we could see its benefits.


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